The Arch

What wants the angel? to call her.
What wants the soul? to be lost.
To be lost in harsh guyanas
to never again find itself.

What wants the voice? to bewitch him.
What wants the ear? to soak itself
in blasphemous screams
till it rests stunned.

What wants the cloud? to kidnap him.
What wants the body? to solve itself,
to efface life's memory
and all that is memory.

What wants the passion? to stop him.
What wants the chest? to close itself
against the powers of the world
to fuse itself in darkness.

What wants the song? to rise itself
in arch above the abyss.
What wants the man? to rescue himself,
to the prize of a song.

(Carlos Drummond de Andrade, "O Arco" - translated by Adriana F. M. Oliveira)

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